Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Technology = Humanity?

Advances in technology are often seen as implying that all other aspects of humanity and civilization will improve as a result. But this idea is unfounded, as technology could have the unintended and opposite effect of diminishing our quality of life. Many powers in life have to be earned or trained for, be they political position, wealth, devoted followers, or command of a nuclear power plant. Modern technology is also a power, but one which we rabble are given access to without having had any preparations to wield it. There are few things as destructive as power in the hands of the unready. How would things have been different if before nuclear physics was discovered we had already learned as a people to not try to destroy human life? Power is a force for good only when in good hands. And in regards to technology, unspeakable power is already in the hands of a rising generation before they have education, experience, or wisdom. Time will show how that arrangement pans out.


  1. You don't have to be old and experienced and highly educated to be good and to bring good to this world. Youth is often less conservative, and thus more flexible and creative in solving challenging problems for themselves, society, and the world.

  2. I agree with Jacob. Think about a big name companies like Microsoft, Google and Apple; there's no way they would exist if they were started by "suits." I think it was their young and spirited naiveness, as well as their few other social commitments that made the difference.

  3. I get nervous when I consider the technology that will be at my children's fingertips. The things that will be done with tech in their time will be incredible. I hope they take part in the good.
