Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Future is Divined from Our Needs

In 1947 Archibald Bennett, an LDS Church Genealogist, predicted that "A universal system of intelligent cooperation will bring together on one record sheet every fact in existence regarding a particular family."* One might say that he "saw our day". I don't feel his predicting the future, though, means that he had to have a specific vision of our smart phones, computers, and internet. In fact his language suggests that he spoke not of the technology of mankind, but of very human nature. To know the future of mankind it is enough to be intimately aware of what mankind's needs are. Just understanding that there was an innate need for man to seek out his progenitors and seal his ties to them is sufficient to know that some way will arise to accomplish this. As we understand our nature, we will know what the future will be because we will know what it needs to be.

* org/ensign/2010/12/future-of-familysearchorg-explained-at-seminar?lang=eng

1 comment:

  1. That's an interesting idea; that the need for us as humans to seek out our ancestors would ultimately provide the vehicles to do such. Archibald knew it was coming, he just didn't know what form it would take.
