Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Outsourcing Our Moral Resolve

We've all heard that no internet filter is foolproof. Undesired content will periodically get through to harass innocent users, and malicious users will always be able to find a way around any security measure. I'm sure we've also all heard, and even shared, that this is the reason why we need to have a personal moral filter to be safe. While that certainly is a reason, I very strongly feel that even if we  had a foolproof filter, where was never any chance of seeing lewd material by accident or intent, that that would in no way lessen the importance for a strong, moral compass inside. It is imperative that we be able to moderate our choices first and foremost by the strength of our own integrity, and thus we are not meant to outsource that responsibility to a software. All that being said, I do support filters and wholeheartedly recommend them, but they should only be seen as tools to complement, and never replace, our own moral resolve.


  1. I agree. Filters are only there to help us avoid what we've decided not to view.

  2. Thanks Abe. Setting up a filter is a way to let our Father in Heaven know that we are doing our best to stay away from the filth that is out there and like Austin mentions, a filter is an aid in our decision to keep ourselves from all that harmful content
